Thursday, February 18, 2010


Anouke and I attended a rally today in support of birth choices.  Certain changes the Australian Government is making in its Maternity Services Review basically mean that if women want a homebirth in the future they are most likely going to need the permission of an obstrician or their GP.  EXCUSE ME?  I will need permission to decide where and when (as in a hospital you are likely to be induced for any number of reasons) I use MY uterus and MY vagina to give birth?  Last time I checked I lived in a country where women supposedly had equal rights...  And last time I checked bodily autonomy was a basic human right...

I am not eloquent when I rant, so I'll leave that there.  I feel I have turned a bit of a corner with the housing dramas.  A friend has loaned me some money so that I can get rid of the debts hindering my applications, mum and dad have offered to help me out with a bond and if I have to pay two lots of rent for a while (which is a distinct possibility).  Another friend and her husband are coming up tomorrow with gardening implements to help me get the garden under control, and I have plans with other friends to get things packed up etc.  All that remains is to find a house to live in!  It is proving difficult to find one that I can afford, but I'm trying to trust that it will all fall into place.  I have a 3 weeks and 5 days left in this house, so really need to get organised!  I'm hoping to have a garage sale in a couple of weeks when mum and dad can look after Ianto for me and hopefully get rid of some crap and make a bit of cash.  Its scary to think that in a bit over 3 weeks we could be homeless, but I'm sure it will all fall into place, as I said, I just need to trust...

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