Thursday, June 23, 2011

musings on being a single parent

yeah, was moving my blog, did, not posting back here for some reason...  who knows?
What is getting me today is a realisation of what I miss.  Its not the physical intimacy of a relationship, although that would be nice sometimes.  It is the help with the day to day.  I've never had what I am missing but it would be nice on days like today where I have woken up with shocking PMS and just want to hide from the world to be able to say "I discount myself from parenting on the grounds that I will be crap at it today."
It would be nice sometimes when feeling this crap to have someone around so that I could fall, and be caught and nurtured.  Cos at this time in my cycle I need nurturing.  I find I don't have the energy to nurture my children (and really, they are being fantastic today, both woke up in good moods and have been pretty much amusing themselves) because I need to reserve all my energy for myself.  So it would be nice to know that there was someone around who I could rely on to pick up the peices at the end of today.