Tuesday, July 19, 2011


sigh - while bravely rescuing my children from the clutches of the lesser known Tasmanian Crocodile I managed to break the end off my fibula.  One word - ow.  Repeated many, many times. 
This then lead to convoluted borrowings of strangers phones as I had of course left mine at home to call my grand parents and TLW.  TLW brought my phone and the Grandfather drove my car with me and the kids to the ER while the Grandmother drove their car behind us.  Met Mum at the ER and the Grandfather then had to take Mum's car back to her house where the Grandmother picked him up and they went home.  Phew!

Meanwhile, Mum, small people and I sat and waited.  And waited.  Then when I lost feeling in my toes (I'd left my Doc Marten on to fulfil the Compression part of RICE) the nurse finally came to take my boot off and triage me - oh, impressive swelling localised over ankle bone.  Was sat in a very comfortable recliner wheel chair and popped in a corner to wait.  We arrived at about 1pm.  I had xrays taken.  After a couple of hours Mum took the small people to the supermarket for supplies other than chocolate bars and chips which is apparently all the hospital can supply. They arrived back after 45 minutes or so and I still hadn't been called.  Waited for another hour, still no call.  Mum went to find out what was happening because if it was just a sprain we could just go to a chemist for bandages and crutches and go home.  They told her that it was a fracture and I had been called but hadn't answered - apparently sticking ones head out the door and saying a name without entering the waiting room works...  Or not.  Eventually Mum had words about small children having to wait in the ER while the drunk drivers and other detritus of saturday night were coming in and Anouke threw a tanty and I got through!  Mum took smalls home for tea and after another hour I was plastered, crutched and sent home - it was 8 pm when I arrived home!

Today went much smoother when I had to go back for a full cast now that the swelling has disappeared.  I had an early appointment which was only 5 minutes late, got a new cast, got new xrays, talked to the registrar - 6 weeks no weight bearing, no driving - and came home.  So the next few weeks will be complicated.  No driving makes life difficult but I'm sure we will get buy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Weather and then some

Wow.  What a winter it has been!  A phenomenally wet April that burst the banks of the creek at the bottom of the property, and now we have just had a week of snow!  Not on our place, but the road into Hobart was closed yesterday.  Its the kid of winter stuff I remember from when I was in primary school, which is about 20 years ago now.  The small people loved sitting on top of the highest point of the road last week and catching snowflakes in their hands out the window of the car.
Today has dawned crisp and clear and beautiful.  the sun is out and the sky is blue albeit with a bit of wind and some grey clouds around the horizon.
Today the housemates head off on a holiday with their assorted children for a few days.  Its sort of a holiday for us too - being in the house by ourselves is a rare thing.   I haven't had to cook dinner months because I am on wash up duty so there is a novelty factor involved with it now lol.

I've had  a request for rainbow gloves from both small people so need to finish spinning up the wool they have chosen too so I can do that...  so much to do and so little time.