Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Suicidal Wattlebirds

After a long, disgusting night cleaning up the result of Anouke getting a gastro type bug we were out of bed (I can't quite classify it as awake lol) at 4 this morning.  It was misty - we could barely see the poplar trees on the back fence!  As it got lighter I could hear the birds start to sing, magpies, a kookaburra, butcher birds and lots and lots of wattlebirds.  Three times I heard the thump of birds hitting the french doors or kitchen window.  After the third time I thought it was more than slightly strange, and looked out to wee all the birds I could hear on my back deck!  I managed to count at least 15 wattlebirds all collecting nectar from the oak tree and occasionally hitting my windows.  It felt a little like a Hitchcock movie with all the birds looking at me through the windows!
We left the house at 11 still shrouded in fog to see Nan and Dad for lunch as we usually do on Wednesdays, although Ianto is usually with his dad.  It was nice for Nan to see Ianto and he was very calm and co operative, evidence that the GaPS is working!
After picking up my new glasses on the way home we went to the park in Cygnet which is bordered by two rivulets and a bird reserve and ran into Aunt Farmer which was lovely :D  we also went for a walk along the path to drop rocks in one of the rivulets which was perfectly still.  It was a lovely end to the day.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, sounds like it was blissful. I hope A is over her gastro now?
