Thursday, July 15, 2010

One perfect moment

I just stepped outside to grab my phone that I had left in the car yet again.  It is 10.30 at night, in July.  It is cold out there, but wow.  I had flicked on the outside light so that I could see my way to the car and normally it would have been a quick run out to the car and back to the warm house and bed but I just happened to look up.

And there I stayed.  On the deck, in my pjs, in the perfect, crisp night.  I looked up, the sky was perfectly clear - the Milky Way looking just like a splash of hot milk, the stars pin pricks, only the sounds of frogs from the dam over the back paddock to disturb the peace.  For one perfect moment I stood and soaked up the perfection and then retired back into the warm, followed by a sense of peace and calm...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, you write with such pure beauty. Thank you for stopping to look up and thank you for writing afterwards.
