Thursday, September 2, 2010

We had a holiday


A couple of weeks ago now, but what can I say?  I'm a slack blogger.  We headed up to Lismore to stay with Kestrel for a few days.  Glorious, sun filled, relaxing days with good friends and many children playing together.  We spent a day at Byron Bay soaking up the sun, walked around the lighthouse and had ice cream.  We visited the car boot market and bought lots of bright colourful clothes for ourselves while Ianto had a massive tanty lol.  Kestrel was wonderful and it was so great to see her after a year or so.  Hopefully this will become a fairly regular thing because we came back refreshed and ready to go again.
We also spent a couple of days in Melbourne.  Hung out with Aunt S at the zoo and dragged Ianto all around the Aquarium before getting on the plane back home.  The small people loved seeing all the animals and fish.  The elephants and penguins were probably the favourites, although the Aslans were up there as well!

Speaking of Aslans, Ianto has an imaginary family now - a mummy Aslan, a daddy Aslan and 2 baby Aslans.  They only come out when he is feeling a bit insecure but I figure that is how he is dealing with it and it works so why argue? 

Spring has sprung yesterday - we have a clean house and a big vase of daffodils from the garden brightening up the kitchen.  The mornings are starting to be clear and bright and sunny with the promise of summer days not too far away. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad Melbourne went well, and a clean house with a vase of daffodils sounds just lovely. Looking forward to next year's visit :)
