On the second day all the various small people were a bit over it. One family decided to go home that day instead of staying the 2 nights, and 2 others went for drives in the morning so that their small people would sleep! Ianto, Anouke and I played a round of mini golf with the family that was leaving that ended in a most spectacular tantrum from Ianto because one of the children hit her ball before he hit his... On the upside, it was another puzzle piece for me because I could see the difference between him having porridge for breakfast like he does when we are home and having nutrigrain for breakfast like he did that morning! In the end Ianto, Anouke and I retreated back to the camp ground and stoked our fire and hung out there for a bit. Cooked some sausages on sticks over the fire, Anouke had a snooze... Every one calmed down and recentred themselves.
After Anouke woke up and we had had lunch we went back to the trampoline for a while, discovering a few jack jumper nests on the way! If they didn't pack a horrible bite I'd like the little buggers more lol. The way they rush out the defend their nest at the slightest sign of intrusion, well, I can relate to that a bit ;) Fairly soon the families who had gone for a drive came back and Ianto disappeared with the older children to find more swings and trampolines and other fun stuff while I stayed behind with Anouke and 2 other mamas with smaller children - one 3 weeks older than Anouke and one 7 months old. It was lovely to just be able to sit and have a chat and a cup of tea for once! Eventually Ianto decided he wanted another boat ride, so I left Anouke with the other families again and went out in a canoe. Ianto had a good paddle before he decided he was too tired and STARVING so I had better take us back lol. I love knowing that I can leave Anouke with my friends like that and if she wants boob or gets upset they will be willing and able to breast feed her or offer her the same sorts of comfort I would. Over the weekend she did get fed by another mama and now has a special bond with her. There are only a few people who get kisses from Anouke at this stage, and this mama is the only non family member to be elevated to such high status.
After cooking hamburgers on the BBQ and Anouke and Ianto getting thoroughly blackened from playing in the black sand I gave them a quick shower and got them into their PJ's in preperation for operation toasted marshmallows. We headed up to one of the cabins and 7 small people and 8 big people commenced marshmallow toasting. The small people lost interest fairly early on, which was more left for us!
Most of the families left once thier small people started to get cranky and tired, but we hung out with another family whose children are late to bed for a while until the running around got a bit manic at which point I decided it was time to head back to camp for some calming down time!
Once stories were done, both small people were asleep within minutes - unsurprisingly! I didn't have such a restful night however as there was a thunderstorm which was very impressive, but made it hard to sleep!
Ianto was ready to go home as soon as he woke up in the morning - he migrated straight from the tent to his car seat!
Both of them were asleep in the car before too long so I drove straight through to home. It was good to be home and have a nice long hot shower and just sit for a little while!
The weekend was great, and has inspired me to save up for our own camping equipment so that we can do it more often. Both small people thrived on it, even if we were all exhausted!
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
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