Turning the computer off is good for my family, I'm gonna try and stick more to turning it off while they are awake. Over the last few days I managed to clean and reorganise the playroom, loungeroom and kitchen and keep them tidy! We went opshopping during the weekend and found a table - just big enough for us three and exactly the right size to make a dining space in the lounge room. I ended up getting new chairs to go with it as I couldn't find any suitable ones (aka, ones not likely to break under the onslaught of a certain 4 year old...) but they were only $20 each so the whole dining setting cost a grand total of $100 - the same I would have paid for a complete second hand one!
Having a tidy playroom, set meals and a tidy living area has made a huge difference for all of us. Ianto is much happier this week. If I manage to keep on top of his blood sugar levels (starting the day with porridge is vital!) then we generally have a very even day with no tantrums. He will even help me tidy up at the end of the day!
Which leads me to another big thing for me, I have been making sure I tidy up at the end of the day, wash up, get toys out of the lounge, quick sweep and vacuum. Makes a huge difference to how I feel in the morning and makes getting proper food into Ianto much easier too. Anouke is loving all the open space and being able to walk around without tripping over stuff. Apparently habits take 21 days to form, so I am trying my darnedest to keep this up for that long in an attempt to make it something I don't have to think about!
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
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