Oh. My. God. It is hot today. For us anyway - it is about 32 C, way too hot for me and my small people. Hiding inside with the curtains closed, hoping it goes away soon!
I'll probably bundle everyone into the car and whizz down to Mum and Dad's soon so we can go for a swim at the beach down there - it has a cliff behind it and faces south east, so by the late afternoon it is lovely there, still warm on days like this but out of the direct sun and the water is lovely and refreshing (yes, even when the river is flowing into the Southern Ocean lol)
We had a lovely day there yesterday pottering around with my parents as we do every Sunday. We did the grocery shopping on the way then we all piled into my parents car and headed into the country side to pick some berries. The farm is in a lovely spot, in the foot hills of a mountain range and the berry fields slope down into a gully, all you can hear is the sprinklers, cows in the next valley and other people picking berries. Anouke fell asleep in the car on the way there, so Dad stayed up in the car with her until she woke up and Mum, Ianto and I went off and got about 6 kilos of various berries, raspberries mostly with some black and red currents as well. Headed back and had a quick visit from my grandparents before a BBQ dinner with fresh raspberries for dessert. Lovely way to spend the day.
We also got the tent and lilo from Mum and Dad's as we are going camping this weekend with about 6 other families. I'm looking forward to it - it isn't often there are whole families present as partners and husbands are usually working so it will be great to catch up with friends from all over the state and some from interstate as well! Add in all the extra eyes to watch all the extra small people and it should be a nice relaxing weekend.
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
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