To start with Ianto didn't wake up til half an hour before it was time to leave for his dads, then when we got there he didn't want me to go - I think because I have been staying so that Anouke can get to know her dad before she goes for visits without me, Ianto remembered what it was like when we were still together and wanted it back again. In the end he was fine, but it was not a good start to the day!
Then I got home to discover that one of the families who was supposed to be coming camping on the weekend has chickenpox, so it was a lot of backwards and forwards trying to figure out who had been exposed and when and if they were contagious then... Worked out in the end, only 2 families had been exposed so the rest of us are heading up, but took a while to figure it out!
And Ianto has been REALLY full on since he got back from his dads - it was not a normal afternoon as we stopped by my parents place to borrow their bigger car for the camping trip and he got all excited and shouty and over tired and mummy had had enough!
But things are calming down now. Ianto and Anouke are happily pulling nappies out of the bag, dinner has been had and soon I'll log off and start packing. Just gotta get the right music onto my phone so that I have stuff to listen too and we'll be right!
On a slightly more somber note, I have been finding more and more that I am getting flashback type things from my last relationship. Starting to feel very manipulated and dirty about it all, but I will be getting a new referral for a psych this week and will hopefully be able to move forward with it.
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
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