you need - olives, capers (not usually on my shopping list, but left over from Christmas), olive oil, garlic, spinach, fresh parsley and ham or bacon if you have it.
I chop together the olives, capers and garlic til they are pretty fine, shred the spinach and ham/bacon.
Heat a pan and add a good slug of olive oil, fry everything except the spinach and parsley.
When everything is cooked (ham/bacon is crispy and the smell is divine) turn off the heat and throw in the spinach til it wilts and crisps up a bit.
Mix with cooked pasta, and put the parsley on top. Add parmesan cheese if you like it.
Anouke and I love this quick and easy dinner. It feels light so is not a struggle to eat on hot days and it feels like a treat as olives and capers are not usual shopping list staples.
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
Oh this sounds yum. I haven't had capers before, everyone seems to hate them. I'll try this when I can shop again!