Like yesterday... we started out alright but by the end of the day Ianto was off the show. We had friends come to visit so the sensory overload kicked in at some point. I really need to find a better way of dealing with it. After our friends left he became very demanding, but also quite hyperactive. It was also a hot day (for us anyway - about 28 C). Because we had people here Anouke didn't sleep in the middle of the day as she usually does and then when she did fall asleep, Ianto needed his bum wiped and as she was sleeping on my lap she got woken up. So by the end of the day every one was hot, tired and very cranky, which led to some not so stellar parenting moments. I find wednesday nights quite stressful anyway, as I am very aware of the fact that we need to leave at 9.45 to get Ianto to his dad's place for the day. If he doesn't go to sleep before 10pm then he won't be up in time and of course he is never asleep before 10pm. Looks like he will be going in his PJ's today!
I also recieved my new phone yesterday - the one I have been using is about 8 years old. It still works fine, but only gets the old reception network which doesn't work as far south as we will be living eventually and going a lot in 2010 when Ianto starts pre-kinder. So I have a new phone that also has the net and tv and a walkman and a camera... Which means I will start to get some photos of stuff up here eventually! I often end up sitting in the car waiting for Ianto and Anouke to wake up so having something to do will make it less boring lol.
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
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