Still waiting to hear back from the Real Estate agents, have managed to sort a lot of stuff out and have a lot to sell in the garage sale. I'm taking a little break at the moment as Anouke has a snooze on my lap. Working my way through the lounge room and have a fair bit of it done - I've decided to get rid of all my cooking magazines seeing as I never look at them and they way a tonne, as well as cook books I don't use and other books I don't read. It feels great to have a growing pile of things that I don't need anymore and can potentially be sold. It is quite liberating.
Looking at Anouke passed out on my lap, I can see that her hair (which although fine usually puffs up to an impressive degree) is actually quite long. In these quiet moments I can smooth it down, work out the dreadlocks and small tangles, twist the little curls at the back of her neck around my finger. I can gaze on the curve of her cheeks, impressively plump with strong muscles from breastfeeding as well as her delicious chub. I can admire her eyelashes, not as long as her brothers, but a dark smudge that emphasises the translucence of her eyelids. Her plump hands, with thier delicate bone structure almost hidden underneath the chubbiness which is such a feature of her. Her fingers are long and she has inherited my grandmothers long, flexible thumb that can bend far enough to touch her wrist and often gets caught in the sleeves of her clothes. She still has a most impressive paunch, enhanced by her birthmark - a brown patchiness that bisects her belly in a neat line at her naval and continues around to cover a bit of her back and down her leg to her foot - and which gets caught quite regularly on things when she tries to climb down off high surfaces like couches and tables, leaving her dangling by her belly with her feet pointing as her toes endeavour to reach the ground. Her bottom has become a distinct part of her rather than melding fairly seamlessly with her thighs and is incredibly squeezable. It still wobbles delightfully as she runs around the house chasing her brother and inviting people to chase her. As she runs she still has her little bowed legs a long way apart, partly to give her a good solid base of support and partly because of the cloth nappies she wears - although it is still very evident when she is nappy free! She has inherited an interesting mix of feet - long and delicate bone structure like my mother and sister, with a long second toe, but her big toe is again all my grandmother. Passed down through my father to myself and now my daughter this toe sticks up, almost involuntarily a lot of the time leading shoes to mold and wear out in odd places. When I carry her on my back I can tell when she is asleep not only from her relaxing and breathing changes, but also because her big toe goes from sticking up in the air to being relaxed and in a resting state.
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
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