Last night we attended the final night of the local regatta with the Owlets. The final night of the regatta involves a concert and fireworks, and Daddy Owlet was singing so we went along to support him and have a nice evening by the water.
During Daddy Owlet's set there were lots of kids running around and Ianto was running around with the 2 little owlets and some others. After Daddy Owlet was the Army Band. Most of the small people sat down, but not Ianto. He disappeared down to an old slip and promptly slipped on the algae and got a dirty wet bum. So we headed back to the Owlets and took his pants off. Step one on the route to local celebrity - be dressed in nothing but undies.
The Army Band was loud, which bothered Ianto a bit (I've spoken before about his sensitivity to loud noises) but after hiding under a blanket for a while he was off again. Just playing on the steps and hanging on the hand rail to start with. Then Anouke took off in the same direction and I went to get her back. Ianto thought I was coming to get him and here comes Step Two - run away from your mother in a situation where she needs you to stay close and not a) interfere with the show about a hundred other people are watching and b) fall in the river.
Just as he ran away the Army band started a new song. The Theme from Mission:Impossible. I kid you not. In the quiet just before the song I saw him make a break for it and called out for him to come back. Then the music started and he was off, accompanied by laughter and clapping from the crowd. I gave Anouke to Mama Owlet and followed. Somehow the ensueing chase managed to be in time with the music. Ianto was loving it because he could hear the crowd laughing and in a few cases cheering for him. I must admit it was kind of funny and I had a hard time keeping the smile of my face.
Both small people loved the fireworks. Anouke was quite tired by that time, and ready for some booby and a sleep, but every time a firework went off she would stop and gaze at them. On the way back to the car we had three or four times when people stopped Ianto to tell him how great he was. One teenagers said to me "Aren't you going to discipline him?!" Ummm, no! We talked about not running away from me at the time and he got it and stayed close for the rest of the night, why should I punish him for just being 4?
All in all it was a great night and we had a wonderful time with the Owlets. I took home two very tired small people and got a solid nights sleep as Anouke didn't even wake up for her feed at around 3am like she usually does.
This week is the start of our appointments for Ianto. Today we head to the naturopath, tomorrow afternoon it is off the the GP to make sure all the referrals are in order to get the most possible covered by Medicare and on Friday we have the 2 big ones, the Occupational Therapist and nutritionist. Here's to hoping that it is all worth it and has some positive results!
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
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