After a rude awakening this morning to find only half the money there should have been in my bank account I got great news from a friend so the day is looking up! Today will involve tidying up, tackling Mount Washmore which seems to have multiplied exponentially after the gastro attack, vacuuming out the old car and putting it on the side of the road for sale, going to the park, picking up a friend who is visiting from Sydney, dropping the kids at my parents house, going out to dinner with said friend and then staying the night at my parents house to save driving all the way back here and then all the way back to their house again tomorrow!
It will be a bit of an experiment with Anouke - it will be the first time I have left her with anyone at night time ever. I think she will be ok, I'll give her a big feed before I leave and we are only having an early dinner (32 wks pregnant and single mother of 2 does not for a long evening make rofl) so she should be fine. I think I will have more trouble with it than she will! Ianto loves staying at my parents house so I know he will be fine.
Very unexciting really! I didn't think my life was that busy until I tried to make time to see a friend and it was hugely difficult to find an appropriate time!
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
Hope the dinner was fun and Anouke made it very easy for you x