Awoke this morning before the small people who are both impressively snotty to watch the mist move down the river and make my self a monster cup of tea in what my family knows as the "Dada cup". I'm onto my second now after wandering out to the letter box and discovering evidence that this morning was officially freezing.
The plans for today did include an op shopping trip to town with Gytha Ogg and her small people but due to the huge amount of snot between the four small people that plan was aborted in favour of Staying At Home in Pyjamas. Or if you are Ianto and Anouke Staying At Home Naked. Thankfully this house is easy to heat so they are warm.
Anouke has had a growth spurt and suddenly grown out of her trousers and gotten too tall to walk under the kitchen table which has resulted in bumped heads and cold ankles. Tomorrow when Ianto is at his dad's house I will make the most of it and head to the op shops to try and find some winter clothes that fit Anouke. There is a significant enough size difference between the two of them that she has grown into Ianto's clothes from a few summers ago - not so handy when it is heading into winter!
Ianto seems to have had a growth spurt as well and is all long limbs and huge paws. Slightly uncoordinated, but adorable at the same time. We are slowly getting into the GaPS diet and using up the left over "illegal" food from before. Carb cravings setting in for Ianto and I which I am attempting to curb with protein...
So today will be a day of sorting out Anouke's clothes, trying to get some washing done and generally pottering around while drinking cups of tea. Not an exciting day, but one that will be lovely and relaxing I hope!
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
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