But not always! Anouke very generously decided that she shouldn't be the only one unable to keep anything down so Ianto and I spent last night very uncomfortably. In the end I brought a mattress out to the lounge and we all camped there. I seem to have got off lighter than the small people - probably because I saw that water made them vomit so I avoided it. A glass of warm water with a tsp of honey and a tsp of acv instead in tiny tiny sips seems to have helped hugely.
Ianto is still detirmined to go to visit his dad today so I'll drive up very slowly and then Anouke and I will hang out at mum and dads for the day. Sadly today was the date of my first doula clients blessingway which I will have to miss - I'm fairly certain giving your pregnant client gastro is not a good plan! We will catch up next week , but there is something special about a blessingway and the energy that is present that I love to share and am sad to be unable to do that.
I also have another job developing which is exciting. Over the last few weeks I have been spending evenings editing a new online magazine - Whole Woman. It is due for launch on Tuesday, so it has been all hands on deck to get the layout right, edit all the articles, and get it looking beautiful! I'll post a link when it is launched - the first edition is free :D
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
Ah yes - "I need a drink of water" became code for "get a bucket to me within the next 3 seconds or the floor gets it" when B had it.