I am not someone who really wants or needs a routine or a hell of a lot of organisation to my life. At various times I like it - generally when there is something I look forward to coming up that I need to do something for, like Christmas, a new baby on the way, a holiday. Ianto however does like it. Thrives on it in fact. It has to be flexible, but he likes predictablilty. I struggle with finding a balance we can all enjoy.
I am also getting the feeling that I 'should' be doing more to facilitate his learning. Maybe this is coming from the fact that it is not that far off that I will have to register him for homeschooling? I am feeling the need to get my head around what my approach will be... What fits our family? What best makes use of the resources around us? What best facilitates the small peoples innate urge to learn?
If any of my followers have any good blogs/links they would like to add I wouldn't argue ;)
80 Life Skills for Kids to Learn
5 years ago
Let's talk when you get here :)