Thursday, March 18, 2010

Changes changes everywhere...

Wow, I have finally had a day where I didn't have any commitments!  It has been the first time in over a week where I haven't had to be doing one thing or another and all three of us are feeling much better for it.  We had a lazy morning, checked my blogs, watched a bit of tv, did some washing..  Nothing too ground breaking.  Ianto is really responding to the lack of stress today - playing independently a lot with his lego and just generally outside in the sun.  Anouke has had a proper sleep in a proper bed (very unusual for her) and picked some unripe tomatoes - which we won't tell Mum about!  Dinner is marinating in the fridge so doesn't need to be thought about and all in all it has been a very relaxing day.
While Anouke was having a sleep, Ianto asked me how bees make honey.  My response to that couple of days ago would have been to tell him I didn't know and to leave me alone but today I suggested we go and find out.  So we trooped inside to the computer and watched a couple of youtube videos about how bees make honey and now we know!  Ianto can even tell you if you ask him!  Natural learning at its best :D

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Been a bit quiet

Mostly because all that we have been doing is packing and cleaning and looking for a house.  That is right - with 6 days to go we still don't have a house to move into, which is kind of a lot depressing and stressful.  We are reduced to looking at tiny places that will do in the short term but I wouldn't want to live in them long term at all! My long term plan has changed due to this difficulty.  My original 5 year plan was to rent and save up a deposit so that I could buy my own land and build my own house (I'll blog about my dream house another day).  Now I've decided that I'll get what I can at the moment and save like buggery for 6 months and then use the Homeshare or Streets Ahead program to buy a house with help from the state government.  I'll stay in that house  for a while (hoping it will appreciate in value, but at the same time getting myself a history with a mortgage) and then sell it and move onto my land/building dreams.  Still 5 years or so down the track, but just a different way of getting there.

So I'm diving back into house hunting and will be back later with more updates.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Still packing, still waiting

Waiting for a lot of things - one of which is for the small people to get tired so we can go to bed!  At the moment they are still running around chasing each other.  I'm quite tired from spending long days sorting and cleaning and parenting and would be happily in bed now if I had my way...

We looked at another house in Huonville this morning with a lovely big backyard, counter acted by the tiny bathroom lol.  But a lovely place and I can see us living there, so I applied and now we just wait til at least Monday to find out!

This house has an open home on Saturday, and someone coming to view it tomorrow so I'm constantly trying to keep on top of it.  Its not too bad at the moment - the only thing I desperately need to do tomorrow is tidy the play room and outside, the rest of the house just needs a quick vacuum and tidy.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


That is pretty much what I have been up to for the last few days...  we now have only the playroom, bedroom, laundry (sigh) and a few bits and pieces we need to live in the lounge and kitchen to go.  The spare room is packed with  boxes and bags of stuff which I'm going to have to tidy a bit before the open home on Saturday (did I mention the owner has decided to sell?) and the garden has been attacked...  Only a few bits of weeding and pruning the roses to take care of now.  I am looking at the house that showed up online on Friday night on Wednesday morning but have already called the real estate agent to submit my application sight unseen.  Here's hoping we get this one!

The weather has significantly cooled down in in the last couple of days so I'm off to light the fire in the hopes that some washing will get dry!